‘I was to retire but…’ Uhuru dismisses calls to leave active politics

‘I was to retire but…’ Uhuru dismisses calls to leave active politics

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta. | FILE/OFPP

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday dismissed leaders who have been urging him to quit active politics.

Speaking on Monday during the Jubilee Party National Delegates Conference (NDC) at the Ngong Racecourse in Nairobi, Kenyatta said he was ready to retire from active politics after handing over to William Ruto in September until some unnamed people started intimidating him.

“I wanted to shelve politics and go deal with other things. But there are others who have decided that their work is to force and intimidate. Today, I want to tell you that, you can't do that to Uhuru Kenyatta. Let them look for someone else,” he told delegates.

The Jubilee boss told off leaders who have become disloyal to the party and who were eventually expelled during the NDC, saying he still remains the party leader.

“Jubilee is not Uhuru’s it has owners who gave me the leadership. They already have a successor but they told me to hold until they are ready for another leader. If you want to be respected, respect others,” Kenyatta said.

Some of the Jubilee national executive council members who faced the axe are Sabina Chege, Jimmy Angwenyi, Naomi Shaban, Nelson Nzuya, Joshua Kuttuny, Mutava Musymi and Kanini Kega.

“Kenya is a democracy. The decision by Jubilee Party members is still binding. And until you, the members decide otherwise, Jubilee Party leadership will remain. People who were given small positions by Jubilee Party can't dictate to us what to do. Their work was to champion Jubilee’s interests. They should resign and get us back the small positions we've given them. Our symbol is dove, and that means peace,” added the former president.

He at the same time told any Jubilee member who is uncomfortable to leave in peace and stop badmouthing the party.

“Those who are not happy with Jubilee’s stance, do us the honours and walk out of the door. Leave Jubilee on its track and stop saying Jubilee is dead. Why are you obsessive over a dead party if that is the case? They can’t let Jubilee be because they know very well it is not dead. We are very much alive and they will see it,” said Kenyatta.


Citizen TV Uhuru Kenyatta Jubilee Party Citizen Digital

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