Homa Bay: Two women die after electrocution from clothesline

Homa Bay: Two women die after electrocution from clothesline

A stock image of a clothesline.

Two women have died after they were electrocuted while washing clothes at a rental house in Sikwadhi trading Centre, Homa Bay County.

The two women identified as Roseline Akinyi Opiyo aged 29 and Judith Achieng Ochiel aged 28 died on the spot after they came into contact with live electric current.

Both were living at a rental house whose owner is accused of using illegal means to connect electricity to tenants.

According to assistant chief of Karading sub-location Alphonse Odero, the woman woke up on Monday to wash clothes and hanged them one of the clotheslines that was in contact with a live electric wire.

As the women were hanging their wet clothes on the line, Roseline touched the metal and was electrocuted.

Without knowing what happened, Judith Achieng rushed to help her friend who was still holding on to the wire and was also electrocuted to death on the spot.

Homa Bay County Police Commander Hassan Barua confirmed the incident.

He said preliminary investigations have revealed that the landlord had engaged in illegal connections.

He said further investigations into the incident are ongoing.


Homa Bay Citizen TV Citizen Digital Electrocution

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