Grandson arrested after 85-year-old woman strangled, Ksh.350K stolen in Kwale

Grandson arrested after 85-year-old woman strangled, Ksh.350K stolen in Kwale

A 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of strangling his 85-year-old grandmother to death in Lungalunga, Kwale County.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the elderly woman had received Ksh.350,000 in royalties from Australia-based mining firm Base Titanium prior to her demise.

Kwale County Police Commander Stephen Ng'etich told Citizen Digital that upon arrival at the scene, officers discovered both the cash and the suspect were missing.

When police combed Mwaratuswa village in search of the suspect, they found him imbibing on drinks at a local joint. Upon inspection, the suspect was found with Ksh.270,000 which he failed to account for.

He was consequently apprehended and remains in custody pending arraignment. 


Citizen Digital Murder Kwale County

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