Former Moi press secretary Lee Njiru backs UDA candidate against Raymond Moi in Rongai

Former Moi press secretary Lee Njiru backs UDA candidate against Raymond Moi in Rongai

A side-by-side image of Lee Njiru and Raymond Moi. PHOTOS | COURTESY

Lee Njiru, the late retired President Daniel arap Moi's former press secretary, has confirmed that he is supporting the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party candidate Paul Chebor in the upcoming Rongai Constituency Parliamentary elections.

Speaking to Citizen Digital on Thursday in Ngata, Njiru said he shifted allegiance from incumbent MP Raymond Moi who he has supported for the last ten years due to what he termed as the UDA political wave sweeping through Nakuru County.

Njiru, who many perceived to be a loyalist to the Moi family due to his long working relationship with the late retired Head of State, said the perception that he will support Raymond Moi who is seeking to be re-elected for a third term is wrong.

Raymond Moi will be facing off with two other candidates as he seeks to retain his seat; Paul Chebor of UDA and CCM’s Luca Kigen.

Raymond is the last of the Moi sons who is seeking to clinch an elective seat in the 2022 General election after his brother Gideon Moi was floored by William Cheptumo in the Baringo Senatorial seat.

The Rongai Constituency Parliamentary elections will take place Monday.


UDA Lee Njiru Daniel Moi Raymong Moi Rongai MP

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