Family recounts final moments of slain Nyamira couple, unknown visitor in the house

Family recounts final moments of slain Nyamira couple, unknown visitor in the house

The family of the murdered Nyamira couple, who were on vacation from their home in the United States, has made shocking revelations about an unidentified visitor who came to the house the night the couple was killed.

The late Edward Morema's grandson, Samuel Matundura, claims that on the night before the couple was killed, a man who seemed familiar to them stopped by their home in Nyamakoroto, Nyamira county, and spent the night with them.

According to Matundura, the househelp, who had been working at the homestead for one week, had prepared dinner for the couple and the visitor before leaving them in the sitting room while she went to sleep upstairs.

The farmhand who also lives in a separate house in the same compound rarely visits the main house. As usual, he locked the main gate to the compound and retired to his house, a few meters from the main house. 

The househelp and the farmhand have since been arrested as police conduct investigations into the murder of the elderly couple. 

Matundura said on the evening his grandparents were killed, he called the grandfather (Morema), just to check on him. They talked and he told him all was well before they retired for the night. Morema did not reveal to his grandson of the visitor. 

“We talked and we agreed to meet the following day. He had been in Western Kenya for some construction activities and he had just returned home. So I wanted to know how they were doing,” Matundura said. 

The following day, the couple did not wake up as it is the norm. By 10 am, Matundura made another call to his grandfather but his phone was switched off. The previous evening, there was a power outage but the couple have solar panels at their home, so Matundura did not understand why their phones were switched off.

He sent a young girl to go check on them. In the compound, she found the newly recruited househelp busy with her chores. She told the young girl the couple was still asleep upstairs. 

When Matundura heard that the couple was still asleep at 10 am, he got concerned and went to see them by himself. 

It was when he opened the door to one of the bedrooms that he found the lifeless body of his grandmother Grace in a pool of blood, lying on the bed in one of the bedrooms downstairs. 

Her hands had been tied to the back using a binding wire, and she had been smothered. The throat had been slit. 

In the garage, Moremo’s body also lay in a pool of blood, in a similar version. His hands had been tied to the back with a binding wire, his throat slit and had other knife cuts in the body. 

The couple had been murdered in cold blood. 

The house is fitted with CCTV cameras, but Matundura said police were yet to check if they were working on the night the couple was brutally murdered. 

No door had been broken, further raising suspicion that the unknown visitor may have had a hand in the murder. 

The main gate to the compound was not tampered with either, but there was an indication the assailant(s) sneaked through the kei apple fence near the main gate. 

Matundura says the deceased had travelled back to the country in December last year, and were staying around before they moved back to the US, as was their norm. 

Neighbours described the late Morema as a kind man who always helped the community whenever need arises. He was close to the bodaboda operators in the area, he would offer his car to take the sick to hospital, among other kind deeds. 

Morema was overseeing construction of his rental apartments in Kakamega, the reason he stayed around with his wife.


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