Embu residents protest muguka ban in Mombasa, Kilifi

Embu residents protest muguka ban in Mombasa, Kilifi

Embu County muguka farmers have held demonstrations protesting the recent ban on muguka trade in Mombasa and Kilifi Counties.

The farmers, who assembled at the Ena Kutherema Muguka Sacco offices in Runyenjes, accompanied by muguka traders and brokers, decried what they claim to be massive job losses that will be occasioned by the ban.

The farmers likewise insisted that muguka is a government gazetted cash crop and refuted claims that it is a drug.

The demonstration was attended by Kagaari South MCA Susan Wariru, Embu Women Representative Pamela Njoki Njeru, and Embu Deputy Governor Justus Kinyua Mugo.

The demos come after Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir on Thursday issued an executive order banning the sale, supply and consumption of khat, popularly known as muguka, across the county.

Nassir made the decree at Port Reitz Hospital, Mombasa, highlighting the pervasive consumption of the stimulant drug at the Coast, including among school-going children.

According to Nassir, muguka traders have ignored laws put in place to safeguard children from the drug's influence, with some even going as far as selling the drug to minors.

On Friday, Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung'aro similarly banned the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of muguka  within the county.

Governor Mung'aro further ordered that motor vehicles transporting the product shall not be allowed entry into the county.

He directed multi-agency bodies to swing to action and enforce the order, warning that any officer who would collude with culprits would face the law.

Following Mung'aro's decree The Embu County government said it would moving to court to challenge the ban in the two counties.

In a statement on Friday, Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire Mbarire said she would take legal action to protect the livelihoods of her community which she said pockets about Ksh.22 billion per year from the sale of muguka.

She called on muguka farmers to remain calm as her administration moves to solve the matter.


Citizen Digital Embu County Muguka Ban

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