Ekuru Aukot claims Azimio is in government, was bought last year

Ekuru Aukot claims Azimio is in government, was bought last year

Thirdway Alliance Kenya party leader Ekuru Aukot.

Thirdway Alliance Kenya party leader Ekuru Aukot has alleged that Kenya's opposition has not been able to administer its role because they were long "bought" by the nation's ruling party, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

In Aukot's view, the opposition has been part and parcel of the government and they are hoodwinking Kenyans by trying to make public proclamations against the state, while they work in cahoots behind the curtains.

He argued that the alleged compromise has denied the nation an opposition to put the government in check.

"I don't think we have opposition, we have a very compromised opposition. These people are in government in fact the so-called Azimio was bought by UDA a long time ago by UDA as early as February last year," said Aukot while speaking to Citizen TV on Thursday.

The lawyer argued that one of the evidence is the bipartisan talks held at the Bomas of Kenya, which resulted in the controversial National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report

Aukot stated that the talks failed to address the pertinent issues facing Kenyans, terming it as just a bluff to sell false hope to Kenyans.

"One of the evidence is the bogus Bomas talks. That was just choreographed to manage the bases. The idea was for us to be able to work together we have to present to the nation something that looks plausible," argued Aukot.

Kacheliba MP Titus Lotee, who defected from opposition to UDA, dismissed Auko's claims noting that all members who opted out of the Azimio la Umoja coalition did so under their own volition.

He said that Azimio had not put their house in order and would not be a formidable force to challenge the government.

"Azimio is dead. Look at all the other wings of the coalition they are all gone they were not bought they just looked at the unfortunate situation of the coalition," said MP Lotee.

"I was not bought...I decided just like the other colleagues let us just go to the fortunate situation. It is not because we were bought it is because of the fact that Azimio was going to die and it is dead today. They do not read from the same page.

This comes on the backdrop of rumoured fallout in the coalition, where the coalition's leader Raila Odinga has sternly asserted that they remain committed to fighting for Kenya's liberation.

"There is no danger that Azimio collapsing anytime soon, nobody has left Azimio it has remained intact apart from a few members of parliament who have decided to take a walk," said Raila.

Some coalition principals have expressed interest in running for the presidential seat in the 2027 General Election among them Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa.


UDA Raila Odinga Azimio la Umoja Citizen TV Citizen Digital Ekuru Aukot

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