DP Gachagua now seeks Ksh.1.12 billion to renovate his office, Karen residence

DP Gachagua now seeks Ksh.1.12 billion to renovate his office, Karen residence

DP Rigathi Gachagua during a past function. PHOTO | DPCS

The office of the Deputy President is now seeking Ksh.1.12 billion to enable renovations at both his Harambee Annex office and Karen residence.

In the proposals contained in the 2024/2025 budget estimates, the office of the Deputy President defended the intended expenditure saying the offices were old and dilapidated.

Speaking when he appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Administration and National Security, Patrick Mwangi, an officer from the DP's office, sought to be allowed to spend Ksh.460.4 million to renovate the Harambee Annex offices, and another Ksh.660 million to refurbish the Karen residence.

In a vote that caught the Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo-led committee by surprise, with members wondering why the DP wanted such huge amounts of money for renovations amidst calls to reduce expenditure by public offices.

“Please tell us more about the renovations of the said offices because we have seen an allocation of Ksh.300.4 million. I know we have a few issues there like lifts not working but this figure is too big yet the building is not even ten years old,” stated Tongoyo.

However, Mwangi defended the intended expenditure saying the building had been neglected for long.

"The continuous lack of maintenance has necessitated a face lift targeting major functional areas and security systems of the building,” he explained.

"In the financial year 2024/2025 annual estimates, the office has an allocation of Ksh.300.4 million under the development vote.”

The Deputy President's office is also seeking Ksh.250 million to enable them spearhead the war against alcohol and substance abuse.

During the hearing, members were informed that the said money had already been withdrawn under Article 223 which allows the government to spend monies outside budget but seek regularization of the said monies in Parliament later.

Mwangi explained to the committee that alcohol and substance abuse had become a national security threat, prompting the involvement of various other offices including that of the Sspouse of the Deputy President, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.

"The fight against alcohol and drug abuse has taken on a life of its own, it has a strong relationship between reduction and control of alcoholism,” he told the committee.


Parliament DP Rigathi Gachagua Renovations Patrick Mwangi

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