Did IEBC award 10,000 votes to Ruto in Kiambu Constituency?

Did IEBC award 10,000 votes to Ruto in Kiambu Constituency?

IEBC officials during a press briefing at the Bomas of Kenya

There is confusion over a "did they or did they not?" situation pitting the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)  and the media over some 10,000 votes said to have been awarded to Kenya Kwanza's William Ruto in Kiambu.

A journalist had picked the error, saying Ruto had been awarded the 10,000 votes, but IEBC commissioner Justus Nyang'aya dismissed the claim saying that did not happen.

So, who is telling the truth? Citizen Digital has footage of Mr. Nyang'aya reading the final tally and awarding Dr. Ruto 10,000 extra votes.

In an earlier press briefing {as captured below} Nyang'aya had announced that William Ruto had 51,050 votes in the Constituency. He had announced that the Constituency had 87, 076 registered voters, valid votes cast were 56,546, Rejected ballots and were 392.

Mr. Nyang'aya further stated that Raila Odinga had 14,860 votes, William Ruto got 51,050, with Waihiga and Wajackoyah tying at 318.

A video of Mr Nyang'aya's earlier statement is in the thread below;

After the error was flagged, Mr Nyang'aya returned to the podium and said; “Ruto William is 41,050, there is nowhere we added 10,000 to any of the candidates. I hope this is clear and will be corrected.”

The commissioner also clarified that Raila Odinga’s votes showed 14, 760 in Form B, and then in Form C it was corrected and restored as 14,860.

However, a spot-check by Citizen Digital showed that indeed the commissioner had announced 10,000 extra votes for William Ruto in the constituency.


IEBC Raila Odinga William Ruto Citizen TV Citizen Digital Kiambu Constituency

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