Banissa residents protest lack of representation a year after MP Kullow’s death

Banissa residents protest lack of representation a year after MP Kullow’s death

Residents of Banissa Constituency hold protests.

Residents of Banissa Constituency have held a peaceful demonstration demanding representation in Parliament, following the death of their MP, Kullow Maalim Hassan in March 2023. 

The constituency has been without an MP for fifteen months, and residents are now insisting their voices must be heard.

The demonstration aimed to draw attention to their legal right to representation in the National Assembly, urging the national government to address their concerns.

Banissa MCA Issack Dhahir noted that Banisa's hopes of enjoying national developments are fading and urged the government to establish the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and hold a by-election.

Residents emphasized their desire to exercise their constitutional rights and enjoy national developments like other Kenyans.


Citizen TV Citizen Digital Banissa MP Kullow

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