Azimio is not collapsing soon, Raila Odinga assures

Azimio is not collapsing soon, Raila Odinga assures

A file photo of opposition leader Raila Odinga. | @RailaOdinga/X

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga has allayed fears that the coalition is disintegrating.

Speaking during the commissioning of a water project in Manda Primary School, Lamu County on Monday, Raila said that the coalition will remain committed to fight for Kenya's liberation.

"There is no danger that Azimio collapsing anytime soon, nobody has left Azimio it has remained intact apart from a few members of parliament who have decided to take a walk," said Raila.

"The leadership of Azimio is intact, there is no dissension anywhere in Azimio and that is why we are taken aback."

The premier further fingered the media for what he termed as 'irresponsible journalism' over reports purporting that the coalition is on its deathbed.

"You see a banner headline in a very senior media in the country. This is irresponsible journalism that must be discarded. We don't want the media to spread despondency among members of Azimio," added Raila.

"We have stood firm, Azimio is on a course of liberation in this country from tyranny and irresponsibility."

This lies on the backdrop of speculations that there is a looming fallout in the coalition as some coalition principals have expressed interest in running for the presidential seat in the 2027 General Election.

Among the leaders include Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa.


Raila Odinga Azimio la Umoja Citizen TV Citizen Digital

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