Al-Shabaab militants attack police, KDF bases in Mandera

Al-Shabaab militants attack police, KDF bases in Mandera

Al Shabaab soldiers sit outside a building during a patrol along the streets of Dayniile district in Southern Mogadishu, March 5, 2012. REUTERS/Feisal Omar

Suspected Al-Shabaab militants are said to have simultaneously attacked three different locations within Mandera County in the wee hours of Friday morning.

The first attack took place at Iresuki area where the militants ambushed police officers manning a Safaricom mast located approximately 15 kilometres away from Elwak Police Station.

"At around 0130 hrs National Police Reservist (NPR) Abdirahman Bashir, who was among those manning Iresuki Safaricom mast, reported via phone call that they had been overpowered by suspected Al Shabaab Militants and that the Safaricom mast was being destroyed," a police report seen by Citizen Digital reads in part.

Efforts to reach Bashir on the same number he used to raise alarm soon after proved futile. According to the police report, his colleagues could also not be reached by phone. Their whereabouts are currently unknown.

While this was happening, the Al-Shabaab militants likewise reportedly lay siege to Wargadud Police Station.

"In a bid to establish the facts, KDF stationed at Elwak also confirmed that at about that same time, they were attacked at their camp by suspected Al Shabaab militants," said the police report.

"Consequently there is loss of network between Elwak and Wargadud police stations."

Investigations into the separate but seemingly choreographed incidents are currently ongoing to determine the extent of the attacks.

It has yet to be established whether any police or KDF personnel were injured or killed during the incidents. 


Citizen Digital Terrorism Al Shabaab Mandera County Citizen TV Kenya

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