42 percent of adolescents have experienced Gender-based violence in Kenya - Report

42 percent of adolescents have experienced Gender-based violence in Kenya - Report

The National Council for Population and Development has called for stringent measures to protect the youth and adolescents from gender-based violence.

The council raised concerns over raising cases of early marriages.

Data from the National Council for Population and Development shows that underage marriage remains prevalent, with 23% of girls in Kenya married before the age of 18, compared to 2.5% of boys. Rural areas are most affected, with a 29% prevalence compared to 17% in urban areas.

The report shows that HIV Aids also remains a major challenge among Youth.

The statistics show that 40% of girls and 30% of boys aged 15-19 have undergone HIV testing. 1,215 adolescents aged 10-19 died due to AIDS-related illnesses. HIV infection rates among this age group are at 59% in ten counties, signalling a critical public health issue.

Nearly 15% of girls aged 15-19 are already mothers, with Samburu County showing the highest rate of teen pregnancy at 50%, followed closely by West Pokot at 36%.

“For too long adolescents have been sidelined by the government and institutions and the society at large from processes and decisions that affect their lives so I think don’t use it as a capital, as a bankable thing but actually have a meaningful engagement,” said Ms. Shaheen Nilofer the County Director Unicef.

Gender-based violence also paints a grim picture with more adolescent boys reported to have experienced physical violence (26.1%) compared to girls (16%). Sexual violence affects 3.7% of adolescent girls and 1.8% of boys, indicating a need for stronger protective measures and support systems for victims.

“We are strong believers that not only girls need to be in school, Kenya has a unique problem, and we need to also advocate for the boy child. We do believe in intentionally seeking to include young people in employment,” said Pamela Onduso the County Director for Pathfinder in Kenya.

“More data on adolescents need to be collected, analyzed and utilised in making developmental decisions, there is still much more to be celebrated but also much needs to be done,” added Paul Makwinja the International Operations Manager for UNFPA.


Citizen Digital HIV/AIDS NCPD Adolescents

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