10 most popular nyama choma zones in Nairobi

In Kenya, the love for nyama choma -- which is roasted or grilled meat -- is undeniably on another level, hence, the reason you will find a nyama choma joint in literally everywhere you go.
You will find nyama choma in local joints, bars and restaurants and even in exotic hotels in the country.
BUT, nyama choma is not just nyama choma!
There is always that joint or place where you will definitely never go wrong simply because the nyama choma they serve is tantalizingly good.
Ordinarily, nyama choma is served with ugali but you can always pick an accompaniment of your choice and then cap it all with your favorite cold drink.
Citizen Digital went out and sampled some of the best nyama choma joints in various zones within Nairobi.
Here is a list of some of the most renowned nyama choma zones within Nairobi and its outskirts.
NOTE: The list is in no particular order.
The Smith
Tucked along Magadi road in Ongata Rongai, the Smith serves some of the best nyama choma. Nyama lovers, tired of the Nairobi humdrum routines and the chaos that litters the city flock to The Smith to not just cool their heads but dig into their succulent mbuzi as cold beer bubbles nearby
Njuguna’s Place
Located along Waiyaki Way, Njuguna’s Place has been in existence for more than three decades and its glory still runs high. Everyday, the eatery hosts a buzz of nyama-hungry clients who fill up the place and devour bone after tender bone. Here, also, is where million-dollar deals are struck.
Green Spot Gardens
Along the Eastern Bypass in Ruiru, Kiambu County you will find a countless number of Nyama Choma zones, you will certainly be spoiled for choice. However, Green Spot, no doubt, has sumptuous nyama choma as the place is lined with an endless row of vendors willing to break their necks in a bid to get you to settle for their dazzling goat thigh. Greenspot comes alive especially on the Weekends when the meat vendors, dressed in their white aprons, dive into work as the place drowns in the smoke from the endless meat grills dotting the place.
Kamakis is literally synonymous with Nyama Choma. Still along the Eastern bypass, this well-known joint is really a railrack of tens of nyama Choma spots with eager customers who will yank you out of your moving car and haul you to their meat stand. The chaos that precedes a seating of juicy nyama Choma here is the stuff of legends. Also, Kamakis is famous for dishing out pieces of nyama to potential clients to woo buyers.
Roadhouse Grill
In Nairobi, there are several Roadhouse Grill outlets all of which you will find amazing nyama choma. The most popular however remains the one located along Dennis Pritt Road in Kilimani where well-to-do nyama lovers flock to wind down, drown a cold one, enjoy serene music and tear into pristinely roasted goat ribs.
Sagret Hotel Equatorial
At Sagret located along Milimani Road in Nairobi, Nyama Choma's aroma whiffs into the air the moment you check in. Additionally, their 'mutura' too is to die for and the accompaniments range from the most obvious to the most unlikely.
Still within the outskirts of Nairobi, you will find some amazing nyama choma at Olepolos Country Club located in Kiserian, Kajiado County. Ole Polos, just like Kamakis, is literally synonymous with Nyama Choma. Clients, in their droves, drive down to Ole Polos to take in the air, the thrill, the scenery and definitely, the good old sliced up pieces of enticing 'nyamchom'.
Coco Jambo
Located along Dennis Pritt Road in Kilimani, Coco Jambo is truly one of the finest nyama choma havens in the city. It's tucked away from the city madness and offers peculiar hideaway huts that shade you from sun or rain as you ravage your nyama choma. With a well-stocked bar offering the perfect enticement, you can chase down your nyama with any drink of your choice and, even if you're stuck at work, you should worry not because Coco Jambo also does deliveries right into your laps.
Carnivore Gardens
Located along Lang'ata Road, Carnivore is arguably the most renown Nyama Choma Restaurant worldwide. Tourists flock here for a taste of all types of meat - including bush meat. Families, couples and all manner of folk flock here in their droves to tear into the legendary Carnivore nyama which actually explains the apt name - Carnivore. The downside? They're a tad too pricy.
Quiver Lounge
Quiver Lounge, located along the Thika Road highway, burst into the scene with all manner of scandal and melee. But one thing is for sure - you can never go wrong with a Quiver Lounge nyama offering. It's tender, expertly prepared, well-marinated and most definitely very pocket friendly. Quiver Lounge sees thousands of clients daily who come to pounce on their nyama and leave the grills empty.
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